Kia ora whanau,

Dated: 10/01/2023

Marina here, from TSI (Tawapata South Inc). DOC, kaumatua and I are on schedule for a 17/01/2023 trip to Waikawa, leaving from Onenui Station to oversee the relocation and release of the Tūturuatu. This is if weather permits, with the current tropical cyclone east of the North Island moving further east diminishing the impacts on NZ, we should be good.

Dated: 09/02/2023

18 juvenile Tūturuatu / tchūriwat’ / shore plover were recently translocated to Waikawa Island off the tip of Tawapata South, Mahia peninsula, where they joined around 80 other birds in the largest population of the species outside of the Chatham Islands.  

The birds were housed in a temporary pre-release aviary on the island for 6 days to give them time to recover from their journey and get used to the sights and sounds of their new home. After release they are being monitored to see how they settle in over the following weeks.  

The birds were bred in captivity at the Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Trust in Christchurch this summer. Individuals were carefully selected to boost the genetic diversity of the population on Waikawa. Most of the juveniles are offspring of birds hatched from wild eggs translocated from Rangatira / Hokorereoro Island in 2020.

Laura Boren, leader of the Shore Plover Recovery Group, says that partnerships and dedication have been vital to this work. “This translocation is part of ongoing efforts by the Department of Conservation to preserve this critically threatened species,” says Laura, “and was made possible by partnerships with landowners Tawapata South Incorporated, funding from The New Zealand Nature Fund, the Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Trust raising the chicks, and Air New Zealand flying the birds from Christchurch to Hawke’s Bay.”

Breeding pairs have been established at three facilities: ICWT, Pukaha National Wildlife Centre (Wairarapa), and Cape Sanctuary (Hawke’s Bay). Each year they produce juveniles for release into the wild to establish new populations.

The release of the Tūturuatu to Waikawa was given karakia by whanaunga & shareholder(s) of Tawapata South Inc.